Some guest plants are departing, so the Salvia greggii cuttings are moving into the plant window where it’s safer from the cat.

From Forest to Skillet: Edible and Native Plants in the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma. 837 yard species and counting!
Some guest plants are departing, so the Salvia greggii cuttings are moving into the plant window where it’s safer from the cat.
No more cases of damping off since Wes has added the fan for me. Many plants were ready for watering! So I think the fan is helping dry things out.
Great progress has been made.
Wes and Paula cleaned off last year’s loofah gourd harvest. We have almost two pounds of seeds. That is almost a kilogram for our science readers. Wes was annoyed we did not get tare for the bag but it’s a very light bag, and I didn’t want seeds everywhere. Let me know if you want seeds. We might be able to supply you…
Wes has some sort of plan for the loofahs themselves. There is a whole rubbermaid tub full of those. This is from maybe half a dozen plants.
Paula came over this afternoon for a masked visit outside. We put down cardboard around the new peach tree and covered it with cedar mulch.
The household welder/chef has begun the process of edging the garden perimeter (Figure 1).
Both supervisors were highly interested in the box, box contents, and box smells.
The big event today will really be the arrival of some bare root trees but meanwhile here are more tomatillos.