
Okay I lied this picture is from when it was still cloudy. But the rest are sunny pictures. Anyways, the Hedeoma is getting larger.
You can see sun and shadows! I’m capturing strawberry runners to get more plants for elsewhere in yard.
A very small William’s pride apple!!
Garlic about to bloom (front) and in bloom (back, blurry, purplish).
Salvia greggii is doing beautifully!!
A lone zucchini bush considers flowering. Last year we had one plant but in a shadier spot and the flowers never “took” and eventually all the leaves got a nasty gray mildew or fungus or something. Hopefully it likes the sun better.

Almost forgot

Paula’s cactus flower had an earwig in it last night. Maybe it eats the pollen?? The flower itself didn’t seem damaged, unlike the coreopsis flowers.

Evening things in the Pacific rainforest that is Norman

Cowpeas coming up among corn, beets, and peppers. Coreopsis in background.
Black coat runner bean flowers.
Mini bell pepper flowering.
Rouge Vif d’Etampes squash has big leaves!
Inca pea bean leaves.
Golden jenny melon needs more sun I think. Its seedling seems stuck.
Madhu ras melon is in a better spot.
This beetle eats solanaceous plants. It is sitting on my Peruvian ground cherry. This beetle is now gone.
Presumed beetle eggs. They are gone now. A mysterious giant finger squished them.