Lexington WMA

A bit more cast iron forest this afternoon, not just the garden!

Probably a Common Buckeye butterfly caterpillar.
Neat shelf fungi on a blackjack oak that has been burned in the past.
Spring Beauty flower. Saw just a few!
Moss with undeveloped capsules (thanks Jeanne!)
Mexican Plums blooming had just a few bees on them. It was windy.
Briar helped look for frogs.
A round bit of moss.
Close up of Mexican Plum flowers.
Cardamine sp. (Thanks for ID, Abby!) You can see the leaves/rosette here.
Flower of Cardamine sp. There were lots in this damp area. You can see in both pictures some nearby sedges.

Earwig defense

Well, a few more carrot seedlings disappeared under the bunny defense screen, so we put out some diatomaceous earth to try to stop the presumed earwig depredations (or whatever insect it is. I guess roly-polies are an option too but I haven’t seen any). We’ll see if it works.

A collard green seedling with its new powder. Also put it around carrots, parsnips, cabbages, mustard greens, and over the newly re-seeded rows of mizuna and bok choy.

Pepper potting

Paula rightly pointed out that the baby peppers needed more room to grow.

Thanks to some extra pots from Elyse and containers that Paula and I saved up, we were able to put all the big peppers and Peruvian ground cherries into larger containers. Now they are hanging out with the tomatoes and tomatillos all in their big containers.

Planting some primroses

We put about half of the baby primroses out. They do all have at least one adult leaf.

One of the fluttermill evening primrose seedlings just above the rose rock. We put these three at the edge of the rock garden and the mulch.

Transplanting bluets

There is a nice patch of bluets (Houstonia pusilla) in the front side yard. Eventually I want to get rid of the lawn in this area, so I tested transplanting some to the backyard.

I got three clumps.
Close up

Earwigs vs bunnies

Last night I took Briar out for her final business trip of the evening and noticed this big pile of earwigs feasting on fallen oak buds. Okay, I knew we had a lot of earwigs. I knew they nibbled on my purple potatoes last year. I have also suspected them of getting a few seedlings, like my coreopsis seedlings.

However, these earwigs chose an awfully suspicious place to dine. Right next to a denuded branch of moss-curled parsley.

Wes has just constructed me an anti-bunny defense screen for the front yard raised beds. So, soon we’ll find out… Are the bunnies really the culprits of the lost seedlings of mizuna, bok choy, and carrots? Did they, as suspected, eat all the leaves off my front yard parsley? Or am I going to have to find out if diatomaceous earth really works on earwigs?

Stay tuned.

The earwigs are above my finger and my finger points to the nibbled parsley.