Anti-cat defense fortress air flow adapter

Wes made a holder for one of the fans to attach to the shelf where we hide the tender plants at night from Gram right now on cool nights. Isn’t it nifty?

It is the orange part behind the fan.
He even made it so the towel can be tucked into a groove and not get stuck in the fan.

Goodbye to invasive non native species, hello to native geranium

I’ve been getting out the ol’ North central TX flora and Mom’s book and pestering my plant friends via text message.

Invasive species of speedwell (Veronica sp, thanks Mom and Abby!)
Native geranium (Geranium carolinum). I need to let more bloom in my mini prairie but they do crowd my babies there so not all will get to stay. This one is in the shade near the back fence.
Chickweed, in the genus Stellaria which seems to be non native too. Had to look under the scope to key out!

Good, bad, and !!! news

Bad news: something ate the two baby Rudbeckia fulgida I put out yesterday.

Good news: all the fluttermill evening primrose, same size as Rudbeckia, are fine. This includes the three just a few yards away.

!!! News… A yucca may be sprouting???

See the tiny green point in the middle? Definitely not a usual weed! This is in one of the containers I left out all winter.

Post-thunderstorm quick check

Parnsips up in a few clumps.
Based on location I believe a few moss curled parsley seedlings are up.  Cilantro was up too in other spots.
Green milkweed opening the seed leaves. Previously they were mostly rooting only.
Top soil for Rudbeckia fulgida washed away.
Top soil for evening primrose also washed away.  Both this and Rudbeckia were under rain barrel stands so I think that doesn’t provide enough shelter in a big rain like last night.  I think the blue flax seedlings all washed away sadly. Hopefully the ones I put in ground will make it. Hard to find those though once i planted them. The green milkweed were under the patio table and still got lots of good rain water.

Wet plants need air circulation

It’s supposed to get into the 40s F tonight so we brought the tender plants in (peppers, ground cherries, tomatoes).

This requires covering to secure them from Cat Ideas. However, each tray has a good half inch plus of water in them and the soil is saturated from massive rain this afternoon and evening, and I don’t want any chances of mold.

Wes fixed up a second plant fan for me and I cut two holes in the box for one set. We opened two towel corners for the shelf tray.

The box covers the plants. The hole is for the air to move through the box. The empty oatmeal containers are to keep the cat from investigating the fan at the lower right corner of the towel. The metal bucket is to prevent the cat from moving the box.
The fan pushing air through the box.