Fourth iris type

From Forest to Skillet: Edible and Native Plants in the Cross Timbers of Oklahoma. 837 yard species and counting!
They like cooler weather so I’ve planted them earlier than all the other beans, which will wait another few weeks.
I’ve been meaning for several weeks to harvest, blanch, and freeze some cilantro.
The purple lady bok choy grows quite nicely when earwigs are not swarming it.
The wildflower seeds are doing better than I had hoped!
There were four plants getting too big for their containers, so we put them in the raised beds.
I also planted seeds of rouge vif d’etampes squash, cushaw squash (supposed to be resistant to squash vine borer), country gentleman corn, bush zucchini, and marketmore 76 cucumbers.
I put petroleum jelly around the bases of the four test plants. I took pictures of two. I also covered the Brunswick cabbage again with a jar since it got eaten a lot last night when uncovered.