Was almost full last year. Hope we get same this year.Two black swallowtail cats on carrots in front yard that survived the earwigs.The front one in focus.
Thursday evening, the Chef began preparing spices for meat in slow cooker. Two jalapeños, one chimayó (top).Mmm tacos. Everything except meat, tortillas, cheese, and spices are from garden. Beans are the last of last year’s California black-eyed peas. Potatoes are this year’s kennebec white.After dinner, Paula and I did some garden harvesting. New for the season are Alabama black-eyed butter beans.Also new for the season are slippery silks pole beans.While we picked, the ice cream maker machine worked hard.Vanilla with blackberries from home. Thanks Mom for sending some home with us!
I froze tiny tomatoes last night and they left funny holes.Two Bombus impatiens (common eastern bumblebee).Trimmed out the dead spots in the middle rosemary. I’m not sure why it’s upset.Paula very wisely suggested trimming the Salvia greggii so we can better access the veggies, plus it’ll make them bloom more again.As an experiment, we also trimmed back one of the Salvia farinacea (mealy blue sage) which are all getting very leggy.
It turns out the mystery vine on the trellis is Clematis terniflora which is invasive and non-native. Gotta go!! That’s valuable bean trellis.The Chef preparing okra for frying.Okra plus breading for frying.Briar and Gram were very intrigued by the smells of dinner.
The buffalograss in spots with more dirt and grass trimmings over it is sprouting!I pulled up a single sprout from here and it had the seed hull attached, so definitely the right plant.Peruvian ground cherries!!White currant tomatoes on nachos last night.Salsa verde enchiladas intrigue Gram.“ew, loud smell” he didn’t like them but we did!!
Mom sent us seeds and Gracie hair from home!!Gram wants to know what it’s about.Briar focus on family smells again. Gram prefers dog ear.Dog pleased. Cat interested in dog interest, would like dog food to be served though.A geometrid moth sitting on passionvine leaf.Left to right: New Kuroda, little finger, and Uzbek golden carrots. I picked the tiny one too early but it had a good taste.Paula took her plants home so I decided to see if the basil from the plant window prefers this spot where her houseplants were so happy.
Very excited to have a Gulf Fritillary in the yard!I hope it found the passionvine in the back yard.Made more salsa verde.The Chef helpfully cans.Ruff day gardening, need a nap.Mail call!! Fall/winter peas, trying new ones.A wildflower and an herb.Trying again on parsnip this year with fresh seeds.Winter indoor gardening ideas.
Three hours to harvest and sort all this.First canning tomato variety fruit. I can’t remember which one, I need to look at spreadsheet. The marker is buried in dirt. Update: is Amish Paste tomato.Grass seeds did not wash away in rain. Whew.Intruder alert!!Possibly the frass of the offending hornworm???Loofah gourd flower disintegrated in rain.A jewel of rain on succulent.