Bone meal

On Thursday last week, I put bone meal for phosphorus around the three tomatoes that haven’t flowered this year. Monday, I found flowers on one. I haven’t checked the others yet.
Maximilian sunflower flamingo.
Monday, I think this is switchgrass from some native seed mix. This is Sorghastrum nutans, another major tallgrass prairie species. Thanks Jeanne for the correction!!
Monday, a dog smiled.
Monday, also sorted seeds from Mom and others to plant now and later in winter.
Monday, got seeds in the mail!!
Monday, a plant hopper on okra.
Sunday stir fry contained garden poblanos and jalapeños.

Saturday harvest and new lake

The original moon and stars watermelon is still here. The tendril is turning brown so it may be ready soon?
I harvested 162 g of oregano from the front and back yard. The Chef dehydrated it and removed the stems, and the final dry weight was 20 g.
Some blackjack oak acorns.
Walking towards a new lake.
Briar got to stand in the lake.
A leopard frog in the raised bed, hiding.