Home to a mystery solved

Wes reported that the chijimisai greens were all eaten up, and they live in the plant window. This morning I found at least three Cabbage White caterpillars on them. The plants were only outside for part of a day or two!! Ugh!!!

New stuff

Read this good book Mom had. “A new garden ethic” by Benjamin Vogt. Definitely recommend it! Arguments for planting native plants and considering all our little friends and neighbors both animals and plants.
Paula, we’re borrowing this.
Seeds from home! Mom collected the common persimmon before I arrived.

If you can’t tell, I took today off

First saffron crocus of the fall!
Hmm who could be in an attempted flower bed spot?
Nothing is growing there so I guess I will let it pass. Looks cozy.
I love the white avens foliage and flowers, but the seeds have been aggravating me by sticking to my pants. I decided to move a bunch of concrete pavers that got buried by leaves elsewhere to make the path clearer here to compost.
Ran out of energy and obvious pavers to move.

Peas like the cool weather

Thomas Laxton Peas are thriving. Using the cherry trees as trellises here, and hoping peas will fertilize them with a bit of nitrogen.
The Oregon Giant Pea has not done so well. However, the cherry tree in this planter hasn’t either, so I don’t know if something’s wrong with the planter dirt or it’s just luck.

Cubist ideal of melon

That’s what some of my coworkers called this moon and stars watermelon.
Dog for scale with the ideal melon and its very cute spotted friend.
I think they didn’t have enough time to ripen before the vine died (not even frost, just sort of browned and died) as they weren’t as sweet as I was expecting or hoping. But definitely not awful. I will try growing again.

Tuesday evening

A milkweed beetle!! Very exciting! It’s sitting on a tepary bean though, silly friend.
Salvia greggii are doing amazing right now.
“landlocked gumbo” says the Chef. Okra, mini bell pepper, tam jalapeño pepper, and moss curled parsley all from garden.