Since the days are still warm, I’m bringing the basil and peppers and sometimes if I have time, the tomatoes (but I was rushing this morning) out for maximum sunshine.Another tiny spider on the outside work bench!
A katydid on the pineapple sage!A mantis on the zinnias in the rainbow garden.Gracie brought her humans to visit us today!!Waiting for Gracie to play again.A very blue bee!!Front of the blue bee.Gracie is fun!!! She liked our very exciting frisbee except it was harder to pick up than her usual tennis balls and pine cones.Gram liked we have the rare side door open to let in a sunny spot!
Last night, brought in dwarf tomatoes and purple and chocolate peppers since temps forecast (and did reach) into 40s.On Thursday night, before another night rain, Paula and I planted more wildflower seeds. Mom sent these Yellow Puff seeds. We scarified them by scraping their hard coats on the concrete patio.On Thursday morning, I saw this very dew-drenched bumblebee. I was hoping it might be a two spotted bumblebee but I think the yellow on its abdomen was just clumping together with the dew??
On Thursday last week, I put bone meal for phosphorus around the three tomatoes that haven’t flowered this year. Monday, I found flowers on one. I haven’t checked the others yet.Maximilian sunflower flamingo.Monday, I think this is switchgrass from some native seed mix. This is Sorghastrum nutans, another major tallgrass prairie species. Thanks Jeanne for the correction!!Monday, a dog smiled.Monday, also sorted seeds from Mom and others to plant now and later in winter.Monday, got seeds in the mail!!Monday, a plant hopper on okra.Sunday stir fry contained garden poblanos and jalapeños.
A nice Bombus impatiens on the mistflowers this morning.A second view where you can see pollen on legs!Nearby, the tropical sage is blooming nicely today.