Marigolds are done. Photo by Paula. Winecup rosettes are fine for the winter! Photo also by Paula. We went to look at Saxon park. It was fun. Then we went home. Having dog thoughts in the backyard. CatctusTom kha (Thai coconut chicken soup). Has garden lemongrass in it. Lemongrass is not frost hardy so Paula divided the stems to keep a few indoors over the winter, and froze a bunch of stems to use.
Caterpillar on broom weedA grasshopper with very worn wings on Grindelia. A tree cricket on Grindelia!A megachilid bee on Grindelia. Fall is starting! Sumacs in particular are turning red. A noctuid moth on Maximilian sunflowers. A bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) nearby on the same sunflower plant. So many Maximilian sunflowers!Briar poses in front of the prairie filled with more sunflowers. A purple aster!On the first Liatris we saw, Paula found these purple caterpillars. Mom mentioned Schinia sanguinea at home recently and we think that’s what these are. She saw the adult first then later the caterpillars. Two other Schinia sp can apparently also eat Liatris according to this website (and of course they don’t provide a citation). However the owlet moth caterpillar book, which Mom has, doesn’t mention this. A sleepy Dainty Sulphur. It was a cloudy and cool day afternoon before sunset. A parasitic wasp resting on snow-on-the-mountain. Another interesting moth on Maximilian sunflowers. Green grasshoppers were distracted so I got a close up of their textured greens!The prairie is full of messages. Briar sniffs sunflowers as we walk by. A long-horned bee rests on a Grindelia. There were so many Grindelia at all stages. A very fuzzy Croton species.
Schinia gaurae moth (the clouded crimson) caterpillar on false gaura! We counted nine around our 1.75 mi loop. The tall rosettes of the false gaura were nice to see since they look just like my garden one. A Schinia moth I haven’t identified feeding on aster flowers. This bumblebee loved the Salvia azurea. Back of two spotted bumblebee where you can see the spots!Funnel web spider says no pictures, please. A tree cricket hiding on Liatris. The seed pod of a Baptisia. Mom said possibly B. australis var. minorPaula found two big beautiful lynx spider mommas! Wow! This is one guarding its egg sac. A tiny caterpillar on false gaura. The first Solomon’s seal I’ve seen in the wild! We have several in the yard but no idea if they’re volunteers or planted. Probably a buckwheat, the botany consulting committee says. Abby, Mom, and Jeanne also agreed this was probably a dwarf lead plant. Paula found a magnificent sumac leaf turning yellow to red. The Sumac is really turning beautiful reds all over!
Our first Salvia azurea of the season blooming!The first of many Helianthus annuus this morning.A lone Maximilian sunflower starting to bloom. The rest don’t even have buds.Snow on the mountain was magnificent today!We went on a new part of the trail today and encountered some highly concerning Art.“It has a lot of eyes Mom”The little mosaic seats are also suspect.“Why do you humans keep doing things to me”“Ok I guess it’s ok”We also came to terms with the big Art.Possibly Amorpha, false-indigo.Soapberry! Thanks Abby for the identification.Another H. Annuus.A beautiful Grindelia bud.More sunflower (H annuus)A differential grasshopper snacking on the sunflower.We found a magnificent patch of silver leaf nightshade!We had Briar pose among the silver leaf nightshades.Possibly a Physalis?Maybe non-blooming camphorweed?Possibly Asclepias verticillata (thanks Mom!)An aster starting to bloom!Unknown flower that hasn’t bloomed yet.Possibly Cardiospermum, balloon vine? From reading, it seems to be native but disliked for clogging farm equipment.The balloon vine flower.Ruby Grant park considerately has a dog level water fountain at the parking lot!
A mystery yellow composite flower along the sidewalk. Update: Mom and Abby have identified as camphorweed, probably Heterotheca subaxillaris. Camphorweeds are native.Leaves and stem of the yellow flowered plant.This picture is from yesterday (08/12/2022) but there are lots of Grindelia getting ready to bloom near the railroad tracks. A few had opened up by today.I was also pleased to find 2-3 Scarlet Pea plants along the sidewalk near the Grindelia yesterday. They were still blooming today.Downstream from the OU duck pond there is a somewhat hidden bridge and there was a native hibiscus blooming near it.A few tiny annual coreopsis were in the field near the creek. Before it got mowed this spring there were a lot more and taller.It was too hot. We gave Briar and ourselves some ice cubes upon returning.She has taken to resting her chin on her ice cubes after getting a drink from her water bowl.
Gram guards the rooting juniperleaf.There’s a new pollinator garden on campus!!Very pleased at least one of the partridge pea seeds I sprinkled last year made it up.Paper wasps made a nest on the debris of the invasive clematis.A small lynx spider eats a flyJust noticed that the long true bugs have little flat pom poms on their antennae.A second individual. I think you have to see them from the right angle to get a good view of the antennae spots.DogA helpful cat saw this wasp (maybe a spider wasp?) In the aloe and knocked the pot over.I took it outside and shooed the friend off. No dinner in the house for it. Only cat.I spotted a plume moth hiding on rain barrel stand.Potatoes in straw bale getting big. Hope roots are too.
Monarda fistulosa American germander Sumac berries Probably blueheartsWhite prairie cloverGreenthread flower with a geometrid moth caterpillar Sensitive briarAnnual coreopsis Big red eared slider lady digging a hole for her eggs above the pond.
Before I left for work, I saw two bumblebees on the culinary sage flowers. Local bee expert José Montalva helped confirm the identification as Bombus bimaculatus (two spotted bumblebee) and sent me a very helpful article on the status of this and other bumblebee species in Oklahoma. It’s more of an eastern species so it is very cool to have them here on the edge of their range. This is also the third bumblebee species for our yard.This was the best picture though not the best identification angle. Big pollen bags on her legs!A little wasp on the purple coneflower.On campus, I saw several Fiery Skippers on lantana.Here’s another Fiery Skipper on campus lantana.Back at home, the blue flax is thinking about blooming!The Chef made egg drop soup with garden walking onions as a garnish.Car ride!!Saw a friend. Wow!Little lumpy beetles are on a lot of flowers right now. They’re cute.In the evening I saw one or two more two-spotted bumblebees, this time over on the perennial coreopsis.I didn’t manage to get a good picture of the spots in the evening.But I got some decent side views.Lightning bug!A paper wasp. An immature assassin bug eating some sort of probable pentatomid bug. Zoom in though and you’ll see several kinds of flies!! I’m not sure, but I think they might be some kind of kleptoparasitic fly that steals nibbles from bigger predators.
Just a bit of prairie here at Ruby Grant Park in NW Norman.Oh wait! A box turtle!!It is good pollinator habitat and good prairie too. I heard one Eastern Meadowlark singing and at least one Dickcissel.A weevil on green milkweed pods.A family of baby milkweed bugs on green milkweed pods. We looked but didn’t find any Monarch butterfly caterpillars.Sideoats grama grass.Abby has suggested this is bottlebrush squirrel tail grass.It has very exciting seedheads!Thanks to Mom and Abby for identifying this as Apocynum cannabinum, or dogbane.There was a lot of it along the trail and we saw the dogbane beetle that eats it too!Possibly prairie acacia?A non native lady beetle on the acacia.Really great stands of Rudbeckia amplexicaulis here!