Lettuce, spinach, and corn salad greens for salad. Thinned the window basil and used that on pizza.
Last year’s sugar snap peas and coriander
Wow, flowers the first spring!!
Super delighted and surprised to see flowers on the native currant this morning.
Funnel-lily on weekend expedition
Hiking with Paula and Briar today. We saw several cool early spring plants, as well as first of season for us on Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, and Black-and-white Warbler.
These daffodils better be good
When putting in edging yesterday, we dug up and divided a cluster of non blooming daffodils. From reading the daffodil people’s website, either they hate me or need more sun. It took two hours to get them all in.
Plants doing cool stuff
Neat article about corn making an innovation that humans want!
Corten weathering steel garden edging!
Wow! What a day of work! Many thanks to Wes and Paula we now have a lovely edge to the vegetable garden.
Earwig prevention attempt again
I saw that the new bok choy and mizuna seeds are coming up so I tried all this diatomaceous earth again. I also put vaseline around stems of one each mizuna and bok choy as I read that can keep them from climbing too, though the seedlings are only barely 1/2″ tall so we’ll see.
Cherry blossoms!
This is the stark surecrop pie cherry. Maybe we can have a very small pie this summer.
Babies update
Checking on the babies this afternoon.