08/03/2024 the season continues

Mom and Dad were here for a visit today which was nice. A good reason to go out and explore the garden together.

The Passiflora imcarnata var alba continues beautifully today! Yesterday’s flower was drooping but this one was fresh. There’s just a hint of purple in a ring around the center.
This mystery Malvaceae in three planters has avoided letting me see a flower thus far. but the yellow suggests it might be the Sida abutifolia from home??? Hopefully we can catch it in the act soon. It’s definitely bloomed already as several seed pods are open.
The okra accelerates its growth as it adds more leaves!
Horseherb is thriving in the shade this year and had several flowers.
We’ve been excited about this big thistle under the oak tree, but today we determined it’s an invasive Bull Thistle, Cirsium vulgare. So we’ll have to get out thick gloves and remove it.

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