The Chef wanted to see what was out this week so we took the UV flashlight and checked. Here’s a spider!It’s beige in regular light.I had no idea there were hairless bee flies. This one came to the porch light. We turned off the porch light once we went inside so all the critters could go back to their business.We found three glowing crab spiders. All of them were on insect pollinated flowers, so I wonder if they glow to blend in for pollinators who can see UV? Though on this Salvia greggii, presumably all the pollen is farther down the flower. But we found two on zinnias.The green striped cushaw squash looks melted!Escobaria missouriensis cactus spines glow!There’s a lot of sunflower pollen glowing. You can see how much has fallen off!This was my favorite picture of the glowing sunflower pollen: just the disk flowers glowing against the dark sky, leaves barely visible.
3 Replies to “09/08/2022 nighttime only adventure”
Love the UV night lights!
It was a good recommendation on flashlight model from you!!
Wow! The sunflowers and the squash are amazing! The squash looks like it’s lighted from within.