I flushed a really big moth as I walked on to the patio after dinner. It landed on the window and turned out to be a Black Witch!!!!! I have always wanted to see one and this is my first.With flash, so you can see the intricate patterns of brown and black and gray.Without flash, for a more natural color closer to what I saw. This is the biggest moth species in North America.A side view. The underwings are not nearly so patterned. By dusk it was gone. Good luck, big friend!
Whoa! That’s a beauty!
A very special guest!
How exciting. Ive never seen one and im old. Gorgeous.
Got lucky!! Always would have figured we’d see one in TX eventually at home 🤷
Truly gorgeous!
We felt very lucky!!
Awesome find! And your other bugs are nice too that you posted on INat.
Thank you!!