Gram guards the rooting juniperleaf.There’s a new pollinator garden on campus!!Very pleased at least one of the partridge pea seeds I sprinkled last year made it up.Paper wasps made a nest on the debris of the invasive clematis.A small lynx spider eats a flyJust noticed that the long true bugs have little flat pom poms on their antennae.A second individual. I think you have to see them from the right angle to get a good view of the antennae spots.DogA helpful cat saw this wasp (maybe a spider wasp?) In the aloe and knocked the pot over.I took it outside and shooed the friend off. No dinner in the house for it. Only cat.I spotted a plume moth hiding on rain barrel stand.Potatoes in straw bale getting big. Hope roots are too.
Cool antennas! Potatoes 🤞🏼
Wow, amazing that you spotted those cool antennae!
Pollinator garden looks like it needs help. Bet you get potatoes.
I think they literally just planted it