05/13/2022 world’s most adorable banana spider and other friends
The featured adorable tiny baby banana spider (Argiope aurantica). They are also known as garden spiders. That’s more common, but I prefer banana spider.A tiny spider has caught a stilt bug. Mom, do you remember what these ones with the messy webs were called? The plant is a native Euphorbia.Here’s an ant and a living stilt bug. I think it’s a Maximilian sunflower leaf they’re on, but I don’t know why I would have put one in this little pot. We’ll see.A bombyliid bee fly on the coreopsis out front.
4 Replies to “05/13/2022 world’s most adorable banana spider and other friends”
Mesh weavers. Nice set of spiders!
Ah! Thank you!!
Nice you have banana spiders
Last year our longest lived lady left us three big plump egg sacs in the front garden. Perhaps this is one of her babies!