Big empty hole in the prairie patch where we dug up the Maximilian sunflowers.We brought a single stalk here from our old house and now it’s a massive 2×3′ ish patch.Broader view. Put more cardboard down to kill Bermuda.Briar just sat here while plant stalks went everywhere.Such dignity.Found a lost loofah in the front yard afterwards.
We moved max to a bigger spot on the other side of the patio. Fewer small plants nearby it could shade out. Who knows about loofah! Maybe forgot to put on its glasses!!
What is going to replace Max? Loofah is cute.
Probably smaller things from your seeds 😏. Max is now going to live by brush pile.
Where did Max go? Briar is stoic. And how did Loofah get lost with such exceptional vision?
We moved max to a bigger spot on the other side of the patio. Fewer small plants nearby it could shade out. Who knows about loofah! Maybe forgot to put on its glasses!!