09/16/2023 nice out

Long waving stalks of Lizardtail gaura’s tiny flowers and seeds reach across a bright blue sky with a few wispy white clouds. Wild sunflowers are blooming in the lower part of the frame.
I hope the Lizardtail gaura is firmly established after this year. There are multiple plants flowering and going to seed in several places around the yard. Wild annual sunflowers blooming in the background.
Clusters of light purple composite flowers are framed by green leaves in the background.
Blue mistflower is blooming! Before I took the picture it had a bee fly and several tiny bees on it but they did not like my camera phone coming up close.
The long flower stalk of an obedient plant has a few pale lavender-pink petaled buds forming near the base.
The fall obedient plants from a coworker are considering blooming. I put several around the yard and this one by the friendly moisture of the bird bath is doing best.
The red petals of a Texas mallow delicately enfold the long red and yellow reproductive parts emerging from the flower. The almost heart shaped fuzzy leaves are all around the plant stem.
The Texas mallow has been blooming regularly in the dry shade. Paula saw a hummingbird feeding at one a few weeks ago.
Stalks of goldenrod are 2-4 feet tall in the shade and topped with opening tiny yellow flowers in long clusters.
My Canada goldenrod from Abby is doing well and just started to bloom!

09/24/2022 seedlings and fall flowers

Wild tepary bean has a flower!
Mystery seedling. I put a lot out here of many species so it gets to be a surprise unless someone recognizes it.
I suspect this is an Illinois bundleflower as I distributed a lot of them.
The big leafy seedling looks neat and is accompanied by a spotted euphorbia and maybe a blurry lyre leaf sage?
An almost metallic little moth on the goldenrod from Abby (probably S. canadensis). Mom saw a similar one recently at home on frostweed.
Possibly a Ceratina bee on the mistflowers.

09/10/2022 rain lily seed pod

The rain lily seed pod has three lobes. It’s still green.
A mistflower in a pot is flowering! None of the ones in the ground are flowering yet.
The showy milkweed that died back earlier this summer is alive!!! Yay desert perennials.
The Mexican sage from Judy has started to bloom!

A purple and pink experiment

A wild perennial violet was growing in the mulch in the front yard near where we’re going to fill soil in, so I dug and divided it. I put some in a pot along with mistflower, that tiny berried nightshade I can’t remember, and a showy evening primrose. Let’s see if they can do okay together in a pot! The purple and pink perennial pot!